Friday, March 21, 2008

Reflections and probably rambling

I just returned from Mars Hill Church's Good Friday service, and can't find the right words to describe it. The closest thing I can get to is "Intense". Beginning with music and communion followed by a reading of the "easter story" from Luke with images being displayed on 3 massive screens and screen cut out of a cross with a projected "Jesus" being crucified. Typically I get annoyed by production but I was praying that God would use this service to bring me closer to Him, and that I wouldn't get so caught up in the production. 

It would good to be reminded of the cross. 

I tend to make so many other things central in my life. Even good things can become center, whether that be humanitarian work, friends, family, church or serving others.... they are all pointless without the cross as center. The idea of the cross is crazy. The idea that the God of the universe, the God who created the stars, who created the whole earth, the God of Abraham and David made himself a man, Jesus, who came, lived a perfect sinless life and died for my sins. He died for me. He died for a prideful, arrogant, unforgiving mess of a person and took the wrath for my sins. And yet, knowing this.... I still run. I attempt to run so far and surround myself with so much thinking that other things will fulfill. I write this just as thoughts after attending a great service. 
God has been good, I pray it is the same for you.

p.s.- sorry for not writing more.... i'll try to start to

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